We accept PayPal and all major credit or debit cards. Read the FAQ to learn more!


- How can I ask minisoapco a question?

Visit my contact us page here.

- Why should I have confidence in this product?

I've done wholesale of tens of thousands of soaps on eBay. Check it out here.

My eBay profile is also here.

Our payments are handled securely by Stripe, which is used by thousands of sellers both big and small. We also accept PayPal!

- Okay, why buy here and not eBay?

Here, I skip paying fees to third parties. The savings pass on to you.

- What is your shipping policy?

100 Bars ship to US 50 States, PO Box, PR, and other territories.

Its FREE! I ship with USPS or FedEx, and on rare occasion, UPS.

- What is your return policy?

It's the same as on eBay!

Request help within 14 days of delivery.

Customer Service Policy: minisoapco offers a 100%* money back return policy with these guidelines. Please ask for a return in an email if you'd like assistance with your order!

- Contact us through a message to arrange a return. Please provide photos (via imgbb.com or another host) of any damage or a text description for other reasons for your return. We offer replacements as well as refunds.

- Soap must be returned safely, so please use proper padding for the package. (Do not return soap solely in the thin 100/unit provided box.)
- *More than 20 bars of soap that are damaged or missing upon return transit back to us will decrease refund by $0.20 per soap bar due to presumed excess use and/or return shipping damage (if it was damaged when you received it then the order is exempt from this rule)
- *Buyer shall pay for return shipping. Use usps.com or pirateship.com or fedex.com. This requirement is waived when the buyer can prove, with photos, that the product was dead on arrival within 48 hours of delivery.
- We can't offer no-question, unrestricted returns like corporations. Please work with us through this process. Thanks for understanding!

When your return is approved, less the amount of used or damaged bars, you'll be refunded the total cost including original shipping.

Request a return within 14 days of delivery.